Welcome to Kids Dream Learning Center

The Actvites We Foster

We only choose enriching activities. to make children learn in a fun way. Storytime, finger painting, playing in the sand, and learning math are some of our activities here at Kids Dream Learning Center.
Storytime can be one of the most impactful learning experiences a child can have, partly because they naturally make sense of their world through stories and play. Story time encourages skills like language and literacy, cognitive development, and social-emotional growth.
Finger painting is a great way for children to explore, learn and develop through sensory play. When children can feel the cool, squishy texture of the paint and experiment with colour and patterns, it encourages their creativity. It’s also a good way for children to express emotions. Finger painting develops children’s fine motor skills too, which they need for writing later on. And, of course, finger painting is great fun!
Playing in the sand helps with fine motor skills: Scooping, pouring, sifting and sculpting the sand helps build strength and is practice for skills they will need later. Not to mention scooping, pouring and measuring can be connected with math concepts. Helps them tn be creative: sand can go with almost any theme. You can use it for a beach theme with shells, toy fish and rocks. You can use it for an animal theme with logs, toy animals and other natural items. Sand goes with cars and trucks, in an outside kitchen and even in art. It’s a sensory experience: one of the things I hear a lot when people talk about going to the beach is their feet on the sand. It’s part of being connected with nature. Playing in the sand stretches the imagination: ss children begin to more fully understand the physical properties of sand, they have the opportunity to expand their creativity and imaginations. The children can make structures and environments using the sand and create small worlds to pretend and role play in. And it’s fun: playing in the dirt is fun. Being in nature is fun. Making a huge mess is fun and the best part is most of it stays outside so I don’t have to clean it up.

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